Mozido with MasterCard payment

Mozido with MasterCard payment provides mobile payments platform to its clients. This includes mobile financial services. Further more, loyalty programs, and mobile offers for the business and retail sellers provided. Additionally, with their cloud based MoTEAF platform, and is serving around the world. These are for those who want to manage their money using their Smartphone. It works virtually with any wireless carrier or mobile device, and integrates easily with products from vendors throughout the world.

Sri Lanka Mobile Payment facility providers: HNB SOLO, ComBank Q+, BOC SmartPay, LankaQR, and Sampath Payeasy.

Mozido provides acloud-based, white label, mobile payment, shopping, and marketing solutions supported by customer behavior analytics through integrated platform. Mozido provides secure, cloud based technology is PCI security compliant and able to operate on any mobile Operating System. It makes it as the best solution for users around the world.

Recently the company has signed a global commercial agreement with MasterCard service providers. Theyintegrate MasterCard payment into it’s global ecosystem of mobile payment. Also for marketing, and commerce services accessible from any type of mobile phone. This will create a powerful global mobile payments environment that will enhance adoption for merchants and consumers.

Mozido Payments.

In conclusion, under the partnership, this service currently supports MasterCard credit, debit, and prepaid cards as mobile wallet funding sources.
So under this agreement people will be able to use MasterCard security and commerce services along with MasterPass, HomeSend, MoneySend and rePower in this Mobile Transaction EcoSystem Architecture Framework.

What is Mozido?
Similarly, it is bringing mobile solutions to industries all over the world. Further more, with white-label, cloud-based solutions, Mozido is enabling industries such as retail, financial institutions, MNOs, restaurants, municipalities, hospitality and CPGs to extend valuable mobile services to their customers. In conclusion, these services increase customer engagement, provide targeted marketing, and offer lower cost financial services. Mobile payments, loyalty and engagement with Mozido create infinite possibilities for your business.

Pay through Phone.

Additionally, this mobile payments include bill pay, airtime top up, national and international remittance, person-to-person payments, stored value accounts and merchant payments. In conclusion, all these with bank-grade security built in.


More over, with mobile loyalty from this company, you can customize your loyalty program to be as unique as your business. In addition, Mozido gives you the flexibility to create, customize, brand and maintain an engaging loyalty program in a matter of hours.


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Mozida Africa Excellence Scholarship in Bolivia.


Be a citizen and hold a valid passport (or verifiable means of identification) from one of the 54 countries of Africa.
Hold a recognized university bachelor degree (or equivalent) from a recognized university in any field.
Complete and submit an application via the online platform on or before the deadline 11:59PM (GMT), 30th April, 2024.
Be ready to commence study in an eligible master coursework degree program at a Bolivian university.
Not be a current beneficiary of a separate Bolivian University scholarship.
Meet all of the financial obligations of a full-fee paying international student, including the full tuition fee and other expenses, in the event that eligibility for the scholarship is not maintained.

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